Capcom has released a new Street Fighter Cinematic Story Expansion Trailer as well as the single-player details for the game. For the first time in the Street Fighter franchise, Capcom has created a cinematic story experience that will immerse players more into the games’ storyline and gameplay action.

Check out the trailer above for more.

Details: Street Fighter V Cinematic Story Expansion

The cinematic story Expansion will be made available in June this year for free and will reveal the events that transpired between Street Fighter IV and Street Fighter III. In Street Fighter V the story will heavily feature iconic characters M. Bison and Shadaloo, with Capcom keeping their cards close to their chest as to any further details.

Capcom has developed two main components to the story experience by adding a layer of character stories to the Cinematic Story Expansion.

Street Fighter V Cinematic Story ExpansionThe veteran games maker decided to include the character stories so that players new to the game would also be familiar with the personalities and back-stories of each fighter. The character stories are illustrated by a veteran to many of Capcom’s games, -the acclaimed Japanese illustrator Bengus. Each fighters story is depicted in his colourful style and reveals their drive, background, and their relationship with the other fighters in the game.

Capcom will also be holding one final beta on the weekend of 30th January to the 1st of February 2016. The beta will give new and old fans of the game to test drive the game before it comes out. Beta access will require pre-ordering the game.
