PS4 Coming soon
PS4 Coming soon

The Sony Playstation 4 Console is out in Europe and other PAL regions on the 29th of November. The next generation of gaming has truly arrived. Microsoft launched their next-gen console, Xbox One on the 22nd of November, selling over a million of the consoles by launch day.Notwithstanding the usual hiccups with a new product, the gaming community is relieved that the wait is finally over.

The PS4 Console is already out in America, and has sold well too. In the UK, demand has been unprecedented, with retailers running out of Launch Day consoles within hours of being available for pre-order. The war for gamers hard earned cash is already on with both the Playstation 4 and Xbox One consoles launching with selected exclusive titles. While the PS4 lags behind in this respect, there is still much to be said for the console that Sony is bravely touting as #ForTheGamers, a reference or perhaps a dig at Microsoft’s ‘entertainment centre’ of a console.

Still, no doubt this is the beginning of what promises to be a long and wonderful journey,(it’s been about 8 years since the PS3 was released) for gamers and Playstation fans. Join us as we live,breathe and write about  all thing Playstaion 4.

As we approach launch day, well be bringing you a special preview of the console, peripherals ans some of the stand out games on PS4. Stay tuned!

Are you looking forward to Playstation 4’s release, -pre-ordered yours? – Let us know in the comments, we’d love to hear your thoughts.
