San Diego Studios and Valkyrie Entertainment have announced the launch of a Private Access period for GUNS UP! exclusive to gamers on PS4 consoles.Private Access for “GUNS UP! will be an invitation-only pass that allows you to play the game before it is released.

If you are up for joining the fight in this game with the private access you can register you interest at, by signing up over there. The lucky players chosen for the trial will receive a code to download the free game version on PlayStation 4.

In addition to sampling the war game, players will also be contributing to the final look of the game through their gameplay. Gamers will also be able to contribute further by joining the forums on the site and giving their opinion on the game. Valkyrie promise to refine the game based on player’s feedback and proposals.

GUNS UP! PlayStation 4


There are already a lot of refinements and new features that have been added to the game in order to make what was a good game even better. However, GUNS UP! is still in development and no doubt more features will be added. Those lucky enough to gain access would be advised to be prepared to come across a few glitches, as well as unfinished portions here and there.

With the new Private Access release, PlayStation 4 players will currently be able to build their own base, form different alliances, conquer new territories, and fight against players – all for free. The game contains a wide range of upgradable structures, numerous customizable units, various battlefields and weapons, lots of gameplay improvements, and much more.

GUNS UP! is a war video game, which is shaping up well and provides a brand new experience on the PS4 console. If you are a fan or would like to give the new title a go, don’t miss the Private Access period for  this free-to-play PVP game!
