The guys at Avalanche Studios have been up to something, and that’s Mad Max, a new game coming out this September on Play Station 4. Their confidence in the fact that this game will show us something we’ve never seen or played before is big. Mad Max is something they are proud of, and it becomes pretty obvious once you see their video trailer.

As the game is huge in terms of the map’s size and the amount of content as well, they have put together a mix of footage from various missions you’ll be able to play once this game comes out. That cut gives a very broad sense of the game, so make sure to take a detailed look at how this open world action packed game is shaping up to become a hit!

Mad Max

As Mad Max is in it’s last phases of development, a lot of articles shared as much information as Avalanche Studios could give. And their fanbase is the one that’s really helping them get the best by their feedbacks.

Mad Max is still under development, as mentioned before, but the game’s core elements are pretty much settled. It’s all about getting as much content out of the Play Station 4’s hardware as possible. This is to ensure that the game has a lot of surprises around every corner.

The Wasteland is a living entity. As the creators want to make it as dynamic as possible, the map’s weather systems, the cycling between day and night, and all of the environmental effects are being pushed hard here to ensure that this game is one to keep. But it’s not just the people of that world that are interesting and intimidating.

Mad Max-PS4


There will also be a way for Play Station users to show off their experiences with their friends. Mad Max is mostly a single player experience, but if you can customize so many things like the way your Magnum Opus looks, or your character’s appearance, the Avalance Studio’s developers felt it was very important to give the players an ability to show off.

The game features the ability to drive cars, fire rockets, fight in night clubs, and shooting as if you were James Bond. What’s not to like in this game?

As there are more things to be worked on, we hope that you have enjoyed that trailer just as much as we did!
