The Modern Zombie Taxi Co.

The Modern Zombie Taxi Co is a hilarious take on human interaction with zombies. The game features slapstick humour as players take on the role of last living human and go-to taxi driver for the zombies. Players will have to make sure passengers are satisfied with the service as they commute between their zombie activities. See the PlayStation Experience announce trailer below for more:

Modern Zombie Taxi Co began as a VR demo at the BitSummit games festival in Kyoto, Japan where driving a car filled up with rag dolls garnered so much interest the developers decided to make the game.

PlayStation VR head tracking means that players will be able to keep an eye on passengers in the backseat for an up-close view of their odd antics. The key to success in the game will be to meet the needs of  each customer, with some demanding rides requiring extra attention.

One things for sure, the slow moving zombies cannot shuffle about everywhere, so the need for a taxi driver will always be there.
